About Us

From an interested group of horticulturists in Canberra in 1953 the Institute became an incorporated association in 1960 to represent professional horticulturists.


The AIH Australian Council

The AIH is managed by an elected AIH Council executive which consists of our President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. In support, AIH Council Officers bring their expertise to assist with the management of the Institute.

The AIH Council is responsible for the overall management of the Institute that includes advocacy, policy development, membership support, financial management, community support, national and international representation and professional and strategic development.

AIH Future Voices

Listening to and providing a voice to our young horticulturists who represent the future.

The AIH Council established the Future Voices in June 2023. The sub-committee provides a voice to young horticulturists to advise on matters pertaining to horticulture and professional development. On notified AIH Council matters the sub-committee may have a collective vote at the table.

Members may be an Horticulturist , Graduate or Student member of AIH.

AIH Fellows Group

The Fellows Group is represented by 20 current and retired Fellows. The group was established in 2002. The role of the group is to provide advice to the Committee on matters pertaining to the recommendation of members to be conferred as Fellows, provide industry specialist knowledge, advise on governance issues, advise on recipients for AIH Honour awards, review A?IH policies, support and mentor members and support educational and professional development activities.


Regional Interest Clusters

A cluster comprises members of AIH and invited interested parties in a geographical area. The cluster members may Identify the interests and needs of members and enable delivery of benefits, social, professional and any other appropriate activities to members and the local communities.

If a member wishes to establish a regional cluster please contact AIH on admin@aih.org.au.

AIH Code of Ethics

Uphold the objects and aims of the Institute and maintain the required standards of the profession. 
Members should carry out business dealings in accordance with professional and technical standards respecting the rights of clients, their representatives and others associated with a project. 
Members should act honestly when dealing with other members and the public. 
Members should not let discrimination or prejudice enter their dealings with others. 
Members must comply with Commonwealth law and the law of the relevant State or Territory. 
Members should conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this Code and refrain from any conduct that could discredit the AIH or its members or profession. 
Members should recognise their responsibility to the community and the environment in protecting each from exposure to undue actual or potential hazards. 
Ensure that the Institute logo is not displayed in any manner, place or form contrary to provisions in the institute’s rules, policy or decisions of the AIH Committee.

The AIH Ethics Advisory Panel

Declaration of AIH Ethics Advisory Panel

This panel was ratified through delegation by the AIH Council on August 16th 2022. The role of the Ethics Advisory Panel is to consider issues and disputes referred to it by the AIH Secretary.

The panel may refer to the AIH Constitution, the AIH Code of Ethics , ACT Associations Incorporated Act. A1991-46,Commonwealth Fair Work Amendment Act 2013, and adjudicate subject to the rules of natural justice.

Membership of Ethics Panel

The panel members are represented by The Chair of the Ethics Advisory Panel, a member of the AIH Council and an invited independent specialist member or a person in the industry who may or may not be a member.

The AIH Environment Sub-committee

Role of the Environment Sub-committee

Reviews and recommends matters relating to environmental management and sustainability practices on behalf of AIH.

Membership of the Sub-committee

The Sub-committee members are represented by the Chair of the Environmental sub-committee and invited advisors and specialists pertaining to an issue or project on an as needs basis

The AIH Key Advisors

The AIH Council may invite individual Members to advise upon specific issues.  The member is a representative of AIH and as such represents the views of AIH.