Dr Peter Valder 1928 – 2023

The Australian Institute of Horticulture would like to acknowledge the career and community work of Dr Peter Valder, a retired member of the institute who passed away on the 28th February 2023 aged 95.

Peter had a distinguished career in mycology, botany, academia, and media. His witty and entertaining lectures inspired and he was regular presenter on garden shows. Peter’s research and writing introduced horticulture to the public in scholarly and engaging publications on Wisteria and Chinese gardens.

Peter’s important contributions to Australia’s horticultural community included having the beautiful and inspiring garden at his historic family home, Nooroo, available to the public as an early participant in open gardens. His donation of Wisterias from his collection grace the Royal Botanic Gardens in the Domain and Mount Tomah

Peter was the recipient of AIH’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2020 for services to horticulture, science, media, and the community.